This years visit to Santa started off good. The kids got to see a really neat marionette show then they got to get a treat and were waiting very excitedly for Santa. When Santa came Norman went first and got to ask Santa what he wanted for Christmas and Santa let him pick a toy from his sleigh. Then he had all my kids come up for a picture and forgot to ask the others what they wanted and gave the others a toy from his sleigh. Stephen decided he did not want the big doll Santa gave him because it was a girl toy so Santa nicely gave Stephen an elephant but Stephen thought to push the limits and say he did not want an elephant and almost got put on Santa's naughty list. So Stephen said fine, he would take the elephant. Henry got a mouse and ran away in hysterics because he did not want the mouse. Then we tried to do a photo with Megan and she was not having it so we grabbed the kids and left in a hurry for home to have hot cocoa. Boy was that not fun.
5 days ago